It's not everyday that you end up with a website design request email in your email from the office of the United Nations Secretary General...
...but that's what happened.
The UNSG signed off the creation of www.ghaea.one - a humanitarian website promoting GHAEA (Global Humanitarian Action Executive Alliance). This globally beneficial project focuses on using businesses to address humanitarian issues. The brief was for a single page website and the text was supplied along with a Dropbox of images. The rest was up to me to fill in the gaps and be creative in the right way.
The website grew to contain several pages in order to correctly display each faction of the organisation but the client was pleased with the outcome. The GHAEA website fuses strong visual elements with powerful text to deliver a poignant message. Images were augmented with graphic design elements to further accentuate their impact whilst retaining a dignified and professional image.
FCWD have since worked with the office of the UNSG on the GHAEA website project for amendments and further development and are delighted to be working with such a wonderful cause.
If you would like FCWD to reignite the flames of your website, give us a call on 07825559642 or email info@fullcirclewebsitedesign.co.uk